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An email from the VP of operations to GP of a portfolio Operator

30 + Communities & 7,500 + Sites


As you know, we implemented Michael Power's Management Platform & implemented his concepts on zero tolerance. In just 4 months we have reduced accounts recievable by over $300,000. With Michael's concepts most managers easily adapted to the program as they quickly saw it make their jobs easier and they were proud to have the better results. We did replace a few managers as the Management Platform flushes out the lazy ones and Malcontents."

-Justin Z, Illinios


After 25 years as a community owner / operator I came to your Work Shop looking for new ways to solve old problems. You gave my sons and me workable tools to handle every aspect of operations. In unimaginable ways that was easy to get our managers to implement. It was clear to everyone at the Work Shop that you are passionate about helping owners succeed.

You exceeded every expectation we had to such a great degree that I phoned George Allen and told him of our experience including that I though attending your Workshop should be a requirement for every community owner  operator.

Thanks again,

David L., Ohio

P.S. We are ready to buy more communities. Can you help!

An email from the VP of operations to GP of a portfolio Operator

30 + Communities & 7,500 + Sites


As you know, we implemented Michael Power's Management Platform & implemented his concepts on zero tolerance. In just 4 months we have reduced accounts recievable by over $300,000. With Michael's concepts most managers easily adapted to the program as they quickly saw it make their jobs easier and they were proud to have the better results. We did replace a few managers as the Management Platform flushes out the lazy ones and Malcontents."

-Justin Z, Illinios

"Hi Michael,

I just wanted to send you a not on how Excited and Blown away as to how well "The Complete On-Site Manager" has worked for me. In the past 60 days, (it took some time to get it going) I have had more free time, saved more money, and accomplished more park repairs than in the previous 6 months!!! My on-site manager (Heavenly Oaks) is using your management platform and is getting the Rents in on time and the residents are cleaning up their sites like crazy. Even some of the people whom I though I'd have to evict before they got clean are motivated to get things done.

Last week, I took off more time during the week and enjoyed surfing, a small Vacation, and more surfing, with very minimal time managing the parks.

You have inspired my business and I am now inspired to buy more parks without the worry of over burdening myself with management issues.

Thank you once again. I wish I would have run into you about 10 years ago!!!


Anthony W., San Diego"

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